Wednesday 15 June 2011

Fat Cat

Hello lovelies!! Whaaaaaaaaddup!!

Good day to start all over again eyy? Oh well, I've been through some I don't know what lah I've been crying for no reasons buang tebiat kot. But oh hey!! I'm officially back on track baby hell yeah!! Don't ask me why out of sudden but surprisingly, I had my wake up call and I feel awesome? Maybe I had some depressions from my supplements taking or whatever that is but hey, I feel awesome today. What's not to love? Time to move on and kick some ass! Over confident pun tak boleh jugak Lyana weyy -.- But we are all born superstars! We're beautiful in our own ways cuz God makes no mistakes. I don't hide myself in regrets. Loving myself and I'm all set! Gaga much? Haha. Yeah, I'm all Gaga now. Gugu Gaga! Avoid the obvious we should be facing the truth. Yeeha!
This is my life and people try to shut me down. Put my music on and those people don't make a sound. I'm in my own world, bursting into tears to the early morning and gone sober without drinking. Some are screaming but I don't hear a thing. Me no caring, what am I staring? All fat cat are messing, am I tearing? I'm missing and what are you doing? I'm singing and the DJ spinning. On the floor we rolling, what am I loosing? I'm shooting and they drop and they falling, hell yeah I'm dancing til the night gone missing without no one's caring and am all about to banging. 

I've gone high. High upon the stars, starring.
Mi Amore Vole Fè!

P/S : Happy Birthday, B!tch. :p

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