Sunday 17 July 2011


Told my dad about the aches am having. In return, he said am having mental disorder. -.-" Thanks, Abah. I don't trust any clinic for this, cuz in the end, I'll be ending up with packets of painkiller. I don't want any painkillers or whatever stuffs that temporary. I want something that permanent and am aware that private will costs me some extra love. So yeah, kena start saving! *Just saying. Rasa malas nak gerak pun ada :p
July is here and it brings with it a busy schedule. I know I've said this before but seriously, you'll be finding it more often in the next posts trust me. (If I have the right time to write, or I'll try to find one) Currently, I'm happy. Yes yes yes, I'm happy with whatever that's going on around me. *kaching! Plus, assignments kinda excite me well. At least I feel a bit usefull than sit and do nothing.

Going to celebrate Ayah Long's birthday in Mont Kiara. Til then, Ciao! (:

P/S : Thanks for the bedtime story penyu. I once heard about the story somewhere back then minus the god Jupiter part. Hehehe :p But great story to be shared. *applause* Oh well, I did learn something today. Don't ever melepek when you're Skyping. Trust me, 120% I can guarantee you'll be falling asleep no matter how hard you try to not to. (08:50am)

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