Sunday 17 July 2011

The Big Bang Bang

7 Things by Miley Cyrus #onrepeat

I feel like writing. So I write. Even I have nothing in mind but I feel like typing. The blog seems tempting. I feel like writing! So here we go.

I talk a lot. Yes, I do. But sometimes I prefer to be silent for no reasons. God knows better. When I've been asked what kind of relationship I prefer, it makes me think and this is what I want to share. I mean, this is what I think?

I prefer long distance. I won't say being close to each other, get to see each other everyday sucks but I'm just saying! Eeeeeeee. I think long distance is good cuz that's when you're realize what you really want? It's like being attached both physically and mentally. That's when you don't even bother who's around you or looking at anyone else because deep down, you know you already have everything you want. Only they are just nowhere close to where you are. And when each time you get to see each other, it'll be the best feeling that you never want to let go. Its a bliss every single time and falling in zzzzzz again and again, with the same person. Excuse my zzzzzzz cuz currently I'm all cracked. Thanks to Zack. -.-"

But that's the truth. Even some people might prefer to go for short-distance, saying that they can get to know each other better yada yada yada I'm here, just saying my opinion lol. But somehow this cleverbot is really mengundang lah sial.
I have indeed read some joke books, only recently actually, I felt like I needed counselling afterwards. I just can't stop laughing!! God, life is good. Seriously. I can laugh for no reasons okay this is critical prolly I need some serious help asap. Even my lecturer complained the same thing. "Kamu jawab soalan dulu, baru ketawa okay,". Hahaha but yeah, thank God I answered him correctly so I continued laughing. Teehee! I wanna watch Harry Potter, heard it's pretty awesome! Tell me about it, duh~ Heading to Bangi this morning. Time for our scene two, three, and so forth. Can't tell how excited I am but this flu memang cari pasal. Eeeeeeee! Good news; leaving to Jakarta soon! Yeay!! "June depan kak, bukan tahun ni,". Oh Mama, stop giving me false hope. -.-" But I had a feeling I'd enjoy the trip like those days seriosuly I miss you Jakarta! Can't believe it's been a year since the last time I flew to you. Tapi nak tunggu setahun lagi senak lah, Mama. *sobsobsob

Oh well, have a great weekend. Oops Monday already lah. So yeah, have a great Monday and God bless. Salam (:

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