Friday 24 December 2010

Summer in December

Hello Hello!

Today, I went to Lagoon with Achik and Amirah Babyboo. Ho yeah. We got free tickets for ALL PARK, okay. Together with RM80 baucher. Jangan jealous, nok. HAHA! And thank you, Babyboo-- for the tickets ((: Walaupun mengidam, but we didn't go for Scream Park. Shamil kata seram?-- sebab bau mulut hantu tu busuk. -__-! 

We went for Extremepark, Amusement Park and Waterpark. Tak jejak Wildlife Park. The wheather was good. Terbakar kejap. And the costume girls, sucks. Kekwat habis nok! But yeah whatever. At least, I had my time today. I'm tired of being miserable. I feel like I'm loosing something-- even though it never was mine. It hurts like fcuk! But yeah, life goes on. And Edd, this is for you.  I have came out with a decision. Yes, I'm trying to change my scope now. Please be proud of me. I'm getting matured here :p HAHA! Oh wow. I'm soooo looking foward for January the first!! I had enough of holidays. But I need to do my final shopping spree by next week! 'Cuz this weekend-- FULLY BOOKED! Next Monday 'til Wednesday, BOOKED. Friday-- get all things packed. Saturday, byebye Shah Alam.

And oh, I had my pencil case renewed!!

So, byebye OLD case. It's time for you to get into the BOX (:

And please anyone or some-bo-dee. If you meet Santa, force him to get me a KINECT!! Ho ho ho. Oh well, gotta get into the bed early tonight. Tomorrow morning I'll be heading to surau. Ho yeah, you've heard me. Ada tazkirah about "Perbezaan Islam dan Kristian" on Natal's morning. Pretty interesting, right? Haha! I bet you all dah menguap by now.  Boo!  Okay people. Have a good night and sleep well. (:


Kalau tak, nanti Chico tampar korang.  :p

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