Friday 31 December 2010

My New Year's Eve

Hi everybody! I'm Illyana and I'm 8 years old. :p For today's show and tell, I want to share my story with you guys about my New Year's Eve celebration.

There's countdown everywhere tonight. Some might be in OU, some might be at KLCC, or  Putrajaya tonight. While in Shah Alam, there's two hot-spots for tonight; Skatepark and i-City. But, my countdown started with a cockroach. And another one-- flying cockroach. While others started to countdown, me and Achik, with facial masks on our face, here, running away from the flying cockroach! One is already dead, maybe because it cannot fly so its easy for me to spray. Yes! The victory is mine. But the flying one, is currently missing in action. Just now, it stickied on the wall and Achik sprayed it with SHIELDTOX.  So, it flew away, and hiding somewhere that we cannot see. Later, we found it! (WE FOUND IT!!) Under Achik's blanket. (Ewwww!!) I thought it was dead already. So, Achik stand by with Shieldtox in hand, while me, get ready to take the blanket off. *Poof!!* There it was. Lying on the bed, like its it's bed. He's lying on the cat's face. I mean, she got a barbie holding a cat on her bed's sheet. So, the flying cockroach, lying on the cat's face. Pity cat. Got a naked cockroach on it's face. So, I took a ruler and hit the bed's sheet a few times, but it doesn't even moved a bit. So, I smashed it, and it started to fly again!! So, we ran away, hiding. And until now, I don't know where it went, and I got myself a big fat giant little sister on my bed, with unfinished facial mask on her face, begging me to let her sleep on my lovely bed. *Teet teet teet* We can hear it's footsteps, seems like something is walking somewhere on the floor! Got to go, friends. We got a mission to be finished. 

Good night and Happy New Year!

P/S: She didn't put my picture on her new post (December 31) because she said, I ain't new to her and she did mentioned that, I'm so BIG in her video. And that is so NOT SWEET at all. And she's currently cubit-ing me for writing this. What a life. You know what, people. She's a FATFACE. Put me in your New Year's post, and I'll delete this in return. (Ali, TAKE NOTE!! :p)

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