Tuesday 8 June 2010

Forever After.

Oh oh I saw Zaty Gunawan with zhe boyfriend, Faris at Pyramid this evening. Ngaaaaahaha! I'm so sorry, tak sempat nak tegur cuz at that time, I tengah kunyah ayam. Hahahahh! I had fun with my girls (Ieka and Yasmin). We got 2 free chicken wings at Popeye. Makan lah kau sampai muntah. Hahaha! I also did a bit of shopping. Oke, I blew off my new-fav-heels for two new pants! (thanks alot for the 'help', Ieka.) Bleeeerghh.. Oh Oh and and, we got ourselves a date with Mr. Shrek! Sounds riDONKEYlous? ;D

The movie was a BLAST!!! *thumbs up!*

We all did a lot of laughing wathing it. Shrek 4 was a whole new chapter in the series of the Shrek movies. How can a 4th movie have any different plot than the previous one? Well, you are in for a surprise! This movie is like a story within a story. The plot seems obvious and then the movie throws you for a loop. It feels like that rollercoaster ride that made your eyes open wide. Plus, the fairy-tale Rumpelstilskin was a great addition. As I have watched the original Rumpelstilskin movie, so I've no problems understanding its background. There were many times the crowd laughs at the antics, and so did I! Hahaha ;D

Trust me, you won't be disappointed with this movie. In fact, you might just wanna go again. It is a great movie for kids and adults alike. The storyline was very interesting especially for one who has personally collided with midlife crisis. (ouch!) I think its supermegaextremely romantic when Shrek has to undo all he’s done in the hopes of saving his friends, restoring his world and reclaiming his one TRUE LOVE. Auwwwww.. =")

Overall, it was pretty darn funny and a great way to end the adventures of Shrek. I thought the 3rd one was kind of bad, so I am pretty happy to see how they blew away my expectations. I think it had a good moral or lesson to teach us at the end which is "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" and "be thankful for your friends & family and don't take them for granted".

I think this one is the best so far. Without a doubt, its well animated and acted as the very first. As I can't watch it in 3D because of my eye, but I recommend you guys to watch it in 3D!! Sure lagi LETOP. Hahaha!


Can't wait for the next attractions; Toy Story 3! ..and Karate Kid! ;)

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