Saturday 30 April 2011

It's Not My Style to Try and Cheat and Lie

Weirder than weird!!
True story.

Well, bumping into one of my ex last Friday really opened up my eyes. For a sec, I wonder why all of my ex'es gone mad after we clashed? I'm not saying that they're all gone mad because of me of whatever shit that's polluting your mind right now but still, a big WHY yodeling inside my tiny brain up here. Maybe it's something that should been jotted down? Or for me to take precautions on some things I might do later? Tell me about it. I can't do anything but starring. You look sick, my dear. I hope you know what you're doing. If you don't give a damn of what your friends are telling you but at least, take care of yourself. DO think about yourself. I know you're not reading this but hey, at least I do something. Eventhough I'm not saying all this crap straight to your face. You may be out of my sight but hey, I care about my friends so yeah pity, you're one of them. 

Enough with that. Talking about finals, let me tell you this. FINALS OVER!! FINALLY HOORAY!! While Wills marries Kate, we were stucked inside Bendahara hall, calculating -(Qi-Qo/Pi-Po) x (Po/Qo) . Bleeergh enough with Economics. So yeah, there goes my final paper and I'm officially done with my 4th Semester. Sad isn't it? Yeah. This semester is the hardest for me to let go. Loosing all my senior friends sangat menyayat hati okay! Walaupun begitu, during finals sempat juga kopek The Roommates and Limitless. Roommates, ZZZzzzZzzzz and there goes my money honey. For those who haven't watch it yet, download je lah. Limitless, AWE to the SOME!! MUST WATCH!! That's all for this week preview :p But what the hell, I'm just glad Final is over! I'm so over with all the sleepless nights, stressing out over due dates, memorizing shits and blah blah blah. Very sickening but yeah, agak paid off. But still, I screwed my Broadcast and Advert papers but what the hell, it's over. MOVE YOUR ASS!! Sem 5 is coming soon. Don't know what's waiting ahead, but dear Sem 5, please rock. Anywaysss, I have some plans for this one month semester break. For now, that's the only plan but yeah, going to talk about it later. When I'm finished to be exact. But hey, I'm so excited!! Can't wait for it to be published but yeah, maafkan saya jika ianya LAME atau LAME atau LAME but hey, beginner kan :p At least I'm doing something! For my own satisfaction of course. I want to have something to look at when I'm older. Here's the thing. I want to do something for me. I mean, for my own entertainment. TV bores me to the core so yeah, I make my own Astro channel so yeah :p AYO KITA SYOK SENDIRI!

I must say my Twitter is sort of like my new blog. Yes, I tweet like I blog. Only its less than 140-character type of blog. (BETTER THAN TUMBLR!) It takes a lot of guts to follow. Bieber is the latest virus that attacking my tweet. BEWARE: Follow at your own risk!

Oh yesssssss it's semester break so yeahhhh I think I'll blog like crazeeee. What else to do mah. Facebook bores me. Oh well last night me and moa gaypartner, Munki -- we both watched Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Sedih lah bro. Lama tak sedih. *caripasal Just now I went for a dinner with BhaAyien Hazrien. Was nice. The dinner was on him so yeah, mestilah sedap kan :p THANKS BHA! We talked and gossip sampai lebam. Sekarang sakit tekak tak cukup air so yeah, jahat betul Bha ajak tambah dosa malam ni mengumpat orang ;p Haha what the hell, he's a good friend of mine. Comel macam POLAR BEAR :O Whatever it is, jangan naughty naughty, be good and have a safe journey back to Sabah soon! :') And oh yeah, I'll be staying in Lendu for a week til next Friday kot. Most of Lendurians did mentioned that ILLY KAU GILA STAY LENDU LAMA-LAMA but yeah what to do mah, I LOVE LENDU!! Deal with it :D

Whatelese eh, oh yea. I love sheep. Kbye. (:

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