Saturday 30 October 2010

Sweet Taste of Mistakes

Okay, I was having second thoughts. I was freaking out! And still.

I mean, after a few brainwash, it got me thinking. Hard. This feeling, it's a sign.

"Okay yes, it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake and look back, and say, "Yeap. That was a mistake." So really, the bigger mistake would be not to not make the mistake, because then you go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not."

Does this make any sense to you?

And guess what, I always careful with everything. I plan out every second of my life. I'm done trying to plan the unplannable. Search for perfection. Always want to control everything. Get things well planned. Because I want everything to be perfect. MISTAKES-FREE. I'm afraid of mistakes. I hate regretting. Guess, I just don't have the guts. God, I am so terrified of anything real!

But, I've changed my mind.

I don't want perfect.

Maybe it's a mistake.

But it's a mistake I have to make.

*finger cross*

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