Sunday 28 March 2010

Hello, Cashless Solution.

It's been awhile. Illy dah big girl, tak main tenet dah. Boring. Ha Ha! I wanna go out, for a long loong ride. I wanna see people, bunch of people, that i have no idea what they're look like. I wanna go to Korea and bring back Gu Jun Pyo for my dear roomate, so then I can sleep early :P I want to go lepak, like I have no assignments to do. I wanna go memondan like i have no research to look at. I wanna lay down at the beach and watch the sunset like I have nothing to read for finalss. Oh, I love Christina Aguilera!!! and I have no reasons why I'm tellin you this. (-_-") My hands started to dry, my brain started to crack. It's been a life here. I want my candy so bad. I want my roasted chicken with marshed potatoes, coleslaw and mac n'cheese. Oh God, I'm friggin HUNGRAYYY! I wanna go home :(( Right here, I went low. So freakin low than I have ever been. I eat apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! Actually my life started after lunch so there were no breakfast for me, technically. Shait, Suga-Daddy needed A.S.A.P.!

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