Monday 30 May 2011

My 5th Sem Intro

It's Monday, Monday. Gotta be proud on Monday!
Partyin, partyin, NOT! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Salam and a very good evening to everyone. Pejam celik pejam celik, I'm already in my 5th semester. How uncool is that?! Sekarang bukan kawan dengan senior, tapi kita lah senior! How lame -__-" I don't have a good feeling about this semester. Seriously. Something bad is going to happen. I have no idea about that and it makes me feel very unsecured. Before anything happen, I want to appologize for my upcoming mood swing. Kawan tetap kawan, assignments tetap assignments. I hope you guys understand. Jadual pun mengundang. Ramai betul 8:30 am -__-" How I miss Part 4. *sigh
Someone came up with a really good question on my Formspring,
"you macam culture shock since masuk masscom. ican see the diff."

I really really really dying to know more about that. I don't know whether someone's playing game on me or it's a real question that you wanted to say to my face, but please please please.. tell me more about it! Seriously. Nak tahu juga, bahagian mana. Dari apa jadi apa, anything! Tell me. Seriously. Plus, it's the first annonymous question that really really caught my attention. Nobody ever bitch my Formspring with such question so yeah, I want to congratulate you for that. :D Thank you for telling me. But at least, next time, please be more specific on what you wanted to say. Saya menerima dengan hati yang terbuka :)

Oh oh oh this is some of my early photographs for my 5th Semester! :D
Dear Part 5, please be nice. Even though I have this mixed feelings about this semester but somehow, my first day went well. Walaupun dah sampai kelas, tiba tiba dapat tahu kelas cancel, boleh lagi duduk beramai-ramai kongsi Cool Blog :') Rasa DMC5F sangat comel kejap. Muehehehe. Walaupun sesat tak jumpa Sungai Petai, dapat hack Twitter Deena, dapat tidur 6jam tengah hari tadi, berpeluh nak tunggu si Bulat jawab soalan, I must say my Monday went really well. Even though I ain't a Monday person, but you know what Monday. You've been nice and please stay like this. But I can't say much. This is the first week, selalu heaven. Second week, naik bulu. Third week, tumbuh taring. Forth week, bertukar jadi hulk. Fifth week, jadi serigala. Sixth week, you don't even wanna know. Trust me.

from shamilashraf on Vimeo.

By the way, this is the wedding reception (girl's side), nicely done by the brother. (; I must say you have the talent and yeah, I saw you studying every wedding reception on vimeo 2 days ago, so yeah. You managed to have it done professionally and yeah I must say I'm very impressed. But if only you can do the same on your studies. At least, give it a try. Buat Abah Mama happy. At least, bagi Abah Mama rasa lega. tak perlu straight A's. Lulus semua pun rasanya Abah dah sujud syukur. Not trying to make fun of you here, but at least lah. Respect orang. Hargai jasa Abah Mama. Abah bagi awak terlalu banyak tapi awak tak pernah nak hargai. Buka mata dan belajar. Slowly, awak jadi besar kepala. I can't control you. You're big enough to defend yourself, but at least terima opinion orang lain. Jangan jadi macam Abah. Keras kepala. I'm just saying. All in all, I'm very impressed of your works, Angah. Somehow, you make me proud by the way you chase your dreams. If only I can do the same earlier, but what can I do. The eldest is always be the TESTER. :)

There's a lot to come, and I don't think I'm fully prepared for it.

I'm worried. About everything.

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