Life is full of rhythms. I must say, I've gone through my weekend with this Buncit. Ho yeah. I know you love me. Don't deny. By the time you got back from school tomorrow, I'll be gone and I know you going to miss me and continue shitting on my bed!! Kurang ajar punya budak kau letak Mr. Giraffe jauh-jauh >;O Dengan muka mengantuk tersadai di tepi Jusco, my lifesaver came to the rescue. Duit tak cukup nak bayar seluar baru. ATM beratur panjang wok. Amirah Babyboo meredah kesesakan lalulintas dari Klang datang menghulur cash lagak orang kaya. Berlagak eh kau. Heee I love you, Babyboo!! :D Well, eventhough Amirah Hitam Gemuk Tinggi ni aku maki hari hari, tapi dalam hati ada taman. Dalam taman, ada Illy (: Ada Illy, Ada Babyboo. (By this part, Amirah sedang muntah darah sambil maki hamun depan komputer) Aku sayang kau rempit. Walaupun mak ayah kau dah jumpa anak emas baru, aku tahu mak kau sayang anak emas dia yang Masscomm lebih kan? :p

Me and Amirah Babyboo and classmate kesayangan beliau. Hee. Was nice meeting you
(: (Amaran Keras kepada Amirah. Baik kau save dan set as wallpaper. Pastikan ada muka aku, okay.) Heeeee. Sayang kau. Heh heh. *Muntah darah part II*
"Let's have some fun this beat is sick" I knew this girl for 13 years plus already. Yeah, she's getting taller. Almost there, reaching my 156cm. Yes, I know the fact she's going to be taller than me but keep this in mind; and HEAVIER. Hahaha!! We got the same taste in man, maybe not all but most of the time. We love abang parking Sunway!! Beliau botak dan comel. Macam pingu! :D To keep life even more interesting, the three of us must stick together! Yes, you IEKA!! Our crazee couzee. Together, we drive the world crazy! Ho yeah ho yeah! Cucu Pak Chu Yeh (yang tak kahwin lagi) rocks!! Heh heh.

This Fakebooker is my friend. Sometimes I call him Chico. But for most of the time I call him Mior Meow-Meow. He's not that nice. He smells bad. He even got fakeboobs. Jangan kawan dia. HAHA!! These are among of our first picture together. The very first picture of us sangat gelap sebab silap set Aperture. So I dah delete. Ho ho ho. What can I say about the picture is, ni Teh Tarik paling mahal aku pernah beli. (Y)
Eventhough he's a badass friend of mine, I still call him Friend. Why? Because I'm so nice, and nice, and nice, and kind hearted, and cute. So Mior, you should feel lucky because, you berjaya interframe gambar I.
Yasmin and Meor. They complete each other and got one another's back for life. Ahh yess. Their friendship shows that, a true friend is a friend that ____. Fill it yourself. I just.. can't.. stop.. laughing.
Sorry. Back on track. After done with our journey from Pyramid to Empire Gallery, kami ke rumah Ajin. Sekarang dah maju. Nowadays, dah tak perlu Ding Dong. Kita Ping! je. Hebat dunia zaman sekarang. Kerana saya malu nak bercakap dengan Abang kedai, saya mengerah Ajin untuk bertutur dengan Abang kedai dan kini PSP DAH SIHAT YEAY!! PSP DAH SIHAT YEAY!! Thank you Gemok. Ada masa, I buli you lagi :p For now, putus kawan. Kbye. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.