Friday, 31 December 2010



Fuente: Imágenes google
Imágenes de Santa María Madre de Dios, dibujos de Santa Maria Madre de Dios, fotos de Santa María Madre de Dios, dibujo e imagen de Santa María Madre de Dios, foto e imagen de Santa María Madre de Dios con Jesús, fotografias de Santa María Madre de Dios dibujos y fotos de Santa María Madre de Dios, mejores de Santa María Madre de Dios, pintura de Santa María Madre de Dios, galeria de dibujos de Santa María Madre de Dios, coleccion de dibujos de Santa María Madre de Dios, photo Santa María Madre de Dios, pictures Santa María Madre de Dios, photo Santa María Madre de Dios, retratos de Santa María Madre de Dios, dibujos para pintar de Santa María Madre de Dios, dibujos para colorear de Santa María Madre de Dios, dibujos de Santa María Madre de Dios para niños, pintar y colorear de la Santa María Madre de Dios con Jesus, graficos de la Santa María Madre de Dios para estudiantes escolares de colegios

My New Year's Eve

Hi everybody! I'm Illyana and I'm 8 years old. :p For today's show and tell, I want to share my story with you guys about my New Year's Eve celebration.

There's countdown everywhere tonight. Some might be in OU, some might be at KLCC, or  Putrajaya tonight. While in Shah Alam, there's two hot-spots for tonight; Skatepark and i-City. But, my countdown started with a cockroach. And another one-- flying cockroach. While others started to countdown, me and Achik, with facial masks on our face, here, running away from the flying cockroach! One is already dead, maybe because it cannot fly so its easy for me to spray. Yes! The victory is mine. But the flying one, is currently missing in action. Just now, it stickied on the wall and Achik sprayed it with SHIELDTOX.  So, it flew away, and hiding somewhere that we cannot see. Later, we found it! (WE FOUND IT!!) Under Achik's blanket. (Ewwww!!) I thought it was dead already. So, Achik stand by with Shieldtox in hand, while me, get ready to take the blanket off. *Poof!!* There it was. Lying on the bed, like its it's bed. He's lying on the cat's face. I mean, she got a barbie holding a cat on her bed's sheet. So, the flying cockroach, lying on the cat's face. Pity cat. Got a naked cockroach on it's face. So, I took a ruler and hit the bed's sheet a few times, but it doesn't even moved a bit. So, I smashed it, and it started to fly again!! So, we ran away, hiding. And until now, I don't know where it went, and I got myself a big fat giant little sister on my bed, with unfinished facial mask on her face, begging me to let her sleep on my lovely bed. *Teet teet teet* We can hear it's footsteps, seems like something is walking somewhere on the floor! Got to go, friends. We got a mission to be finished. 

Good night and Happy New Year!

P/S: She didn't put my picture on her new post (December 31) because she said, I ain't new to her and she did mentioned that, I'm so BIG in her video. And that is so NOT SWEET at all. And she's currently cubit-ing me for writing this. What a life. You know what, people. She's a FATFACE. Put me in your New Year's post, and I'll delete this in return. (Ali, TAKE NOTE!! :p)

My 31st.

Last night, *Mak sent us six pulut kuning!! Siapa khatam Al-Quran? No one. Hehe. Today is *Ayah's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AYAH!! So technically, the pulut kuning was the intro and it was all home made okay. Tak main tempah kedai :p Going over to Mak's place tonight, maybe. So nothing much I can say but people seems busy preparing themselves for tonight's eve? But yeah, as usual, like every year, we celebrate the eve together with Ayah's birthday. Hehe. Isn't it good to be with the family on New Year's Eve? :p Well, we are talking about the big bang here. Got anak, got cucu, got cicit -- all under one roof. And what I like the most about my room is, I can see the fireworks through my windows. I don't know why, but I can see it clearly from here. No matter what festive we are celebrating. Merdeka? Christmas? There will be fireworks playing on midnight, eventhough I don't know where it came from. Pretty interesting, right? Same goes to my room in Jakarta. I remember once, I got my ex-boyfriend on the phone during New Year's Eve, and I sat at the balcony and asked him, "Can you hear the fireworks?," after I put my phone outside for 3 minutes for him to hear it. "No," he replied. (&%$#@!) But I swear there were fireworks playing over around the area, and it was the big big ones not that little firecrackers! So I got the fireworks recorded in my phone and showed him as soon as I had landed here. Semangat tak?

**Mak & Ayah - technically my Granparents angkat.

Last night I went through the album of Ayah Su and Kak Min. The pre-wedding photos that going to be put in the invitation cards later. And guess what? Shamil is their photographer?! (Selama ini aku memandang rendah terhadap adik ku yang hitam itu) Looking at those pictures makes me wanna join them to get married!! Wedding hari-hari sebab nak gambar je :p Thought of promoting his works on blog but earlier, he warned me already, "Jangan upload kat mana-mana eh. This is private. After wedding baru boleh upload" which will be on May 2011 -__-! So, sorry yeah. 

Today is the last day of watching Satria =(( I feel like crying right now. Like seriously. I feel happy whenever I get to see him on TV. I don't know why. Kepala bengong kot. Whatever it is, I'm really hoping twenty-eleven will be a very good year to me. I really really hope that. And yet, I need that luck. I know I've been bad, but I really really hope You can hear me, Allah. Whenever, or whatever I'm going to go through, please, please be with me and give me strength to face them all. No matter what I said, or what I do. I just can't lie to myself. I'm sorry. 

Well, new year is coming up next. 2010, eventhough it was pretty fucked up, but well, TODAY-- it certainly is that special time of year, the 'most wonderful time' as some calling it, and while it is wonderfully enjoyable it is also another reason to be incredibly busy! Looking back, there have definitely been a lot of things that happened this year. Some good, some bad. So what I'm trying to say is, there's still a beautiful side of 2010. I grew a bit older this year, with all the experiences I managed to have, challenges, risks that I took, some out-of-mind decisions, falling in love and heartbreaks, there are all beautiful in their own way, even still, it seems like it went by very fast. At least I have memories to be written out. And that's what 2010 has showed me and taught me inside out. I'm sorry if I always giving you with bad names, 2010. You've been good. With all of the ups and downs, and now, it's coming to an end. Along the way, I met a lot of beautiful people. Yet, I made some big changes this past year. I've faced the hardest, I've been in the weakest, and I believe it was all just the beginning, and more to come somewhere in the future. Some are productive, some are just fun. Whatever happened, let's just cheers to our memories in 2010. It filled with beautiful tales, beautiful people, beautiful disaster in my another beautiful year. I'll try to not to look back, and get back on track. And now, it's time to welcome in 2011, and it is with high hopes that I do so. We never know what's coming in our way, but let's just pray for the best; for you, for me, and the rest. Amin.

Au revoir, 2010!

And Happy New Yeareveryone. 

Have a great one and see you next year. (:

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Cherry Cherry Boom Boom

INI EPIC DOH BOTAK. Haha. I clicked "See Friendship" on Facebook, keluar gambar Puncak Alam. Haha! And yeah, it reminds me of something. No matter how much I crave for a big brother, I knew the fact that I'll never getting any. But yeah, I met Botak atau nama Islam nya Mazhar Qusyairy. He's a good friend of mine yet a freaking epicly EPIC-est of the most epicest!! HAHAHAHA!! Majulah videogames untuk negara!! :O


A small Boy wrote to Santa Claus,
"send me a brother."

Santa wrote back,

- Reader's Digest :p

Hello, I'm Illy from Liliput! :D

Hello hello.

Munkii, well, got badnews for you man. My Sam Flynn is way way wayyyy better than your Gulliver!!! Trust me on this baby. HAHAHAH!! Sam Flynn sangat setailooo!! EEEEEEEEEE :D The new telling tale was, hmm not bad. Quite funny although its a bit annoying. I've read about the tale somewhere back then when I was in kindergarten. The story was a bit serious back there while this new telling story is 80% has been modernized. I had my time in there. Jack Black was-- almost awesome. Heee!! Well, I went for the movie with Achik and Chico Chica :p Yeah man. Dia pendek je. HAHAHAHA!! At first he suggested for 'Aku Masih Dara' movie. What the heck. And and we went for foot reflexology. Whoaaaa got ikan gigit gigit kaki wooo. Chico's treat! EEEEEE :D Thank you, bud. It was my first time I gave my feet for ikan to makan. OMGEE. So geli-geli ritee? HOYEAH. Chico was so noisy, asking me to stay still and not to move my feet. And he was so scared if his pants basah. Whaaat la you. So not the jantang. Kambing je takut air :p But I'm so proud of you!! You bangun awal today. Auww!! This morning, it was pretty hectic as I was sending Achik to school, balik mandi, pick her up, and rush to Pyramid. You see, Illy is always last minute. Like what Adie mentioned before, "she's unpredictable," :p

And and today Botak tried to cook lasagna!! Auwww. Eventhough the top was a bit, or completely hangus, but I'm so touched!! :') The story began when I said to him, "Botak, maybe a week after buka sem I and the girls gerak PD kot. Visit you and your mum," I said. "Bagitau dulu before datang tau. Jangan memandai nak buat surprise," he replied. "Kenapa? Surprise la best!". "Nak masak spaghetti untuk korang, nanti tak makan karang,". "WHOA!! MAKANAN?? Memang hari hari dalam minggu tu I call you nak ingatkan you, HAHA! Tapi.. alaaaa, nak lasagna!! I suka lasagna!!". "Lasagna? I tak pernah try buat,". "I pernah masak lasagna, tapi top dia hangus doh,". "Macam susah je. Spaghetti je la. Senang dan sedap!". "Yelah yelah,". And guess what? he tried to make one today!! AUWWWWW practice makes perfect!! :p

Try to click on this blog. Especially abang-abang dan kakak kakak Palap. I don't know what's the purpose of the writer but I think it's a bit overboard to write such things. (Just giving an opinion LOL) Eventhough it  was written a long long looooong time ago in 2007, but but Botak gave me this link. Tak boleh blah jugak lah. HAHAH. Check this outKESATRIA.

Going back to Lendu in 2 days time. YAY YAY!! Can't wait!! :D

Wednesday, 29 December 2010



El Día de la Tierra es un día festivo celebrado en muchos países. Su promotor, el senador norteamericano Gaylord Nelson, instauró este día para crear una conciencia común a los problemas de la contaminación, la conservación de la biodiversidad y otras preocupaciones ambientales para proteger la Tierra.Día de la Tierra
La primera manifestación tuvo lugar el 22 de abril de 1970. Fue iniciada por el senador Gaylord Nelson, activista ambiental, popular para la creación de una agenda ambiental. Para esta convocatoria participaron dos mil universidades, diez mil escuelas primarias y secundarias y centenares de comunidades. La presión social tuvo sus logros y el gobierno de los Estados Unidos creó la Environmental Protection Agency (Agencia de Protección Ambiental) y una serie de leyes destinada a la protección del medio ambiente.

En 1972 se celebró la primera conferencia internacional sobre el medio ambiente: la Conferencia de Estocolmo, cuyo objetivo fue sensibilizar a los líderes mundiales sobre la magnitud de los problemas ambientales y que se instituyeran las políticas necesarias para erradicarlos.

Las Naciones Unidas celebran el día de la Tierra cada año en el equinoccio vernal (alrededor del 21 de marzo). El 26 de febrero de 1971, el secretario general U Thant firmó una proclamación a ese efecto. Al momento del equinoccio suena la Campana de la Paz en la sede central de la ONU en Nueva York

Día de la Tierra apunta a la toma de conciencia de los recursos naturales de la Tierra y su manejo, a la educación ambiental, y a la participación como ciudadanos ambientalmente conscientes y responsables.

En el
Día de la Tierra todos estamos invitados a participar en actividades que promuevan la salud de nuestro planeta, tanto a nivel global como regional y local.

"La Tierra es nuestro hogar y el hogar de todos los seres vivos. La Tierra misma está viva. Somos partes de un universo en evolución. Somos miembros de una comunidad de vida interdependiente con una magnificente diversidad de formas de vida y culturas. Nos sentimos humildes ante la belleza de la Tierra y compartimos una reverencia por la vida y las fuentes de nuestro ser..."

Día de la Tierra, Dia de la Tierra 22 de Abril, historia sobre el Dia de la Tierra, resumen el Día de la Tierra

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

We No Speak Americano

سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

For the whole day I spent my time glancing over the new LOL book that I've just received this morning. And here's some of my favourites for the day. :D

It is so rare to be offered a meal on airlines these days that I was surprised to hear the flight attendant ask the man sitting in front of me, "Would you like dinner?". "What are my choices?" he responded. "Yes or No" she said. - Kervyn Dimney.

My stepfather bought an autofocus camera on holiday and lined the family up for a photo beside the pool. 'I don't need any help; this camera is foolproof,' he told us as he stepped backwards into the water. - Charlotte Joseph.

I dialed a wrong number and got the following recording: 'I am not available right now, but I thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes.'  - Antonio Curtis.

Seen printed on the T-shirt of an obviously pregnant woman: -

- National Geographic®.

P/S : I hope it helps to put a smile on that face. Technically, I was designed to bring smiles to all ages. Yes, I am!! One in a million. Aahhh, now I feel special. HAHAHAH!! Please excuse the lameness. Chalo!! :D

I'm A Small Small Girl, In A Big Big World

# Now playing The Other Side by Bruno Mars 

I may be small, but I have universe in mind.

Evening, everybody. I woke up at 12 in the afternoon.

It was great. HAHA

Even more so because I absolutely had to get up. Or later I'll be woken up by Abah himself. Oh, itu horror. Also, I re-learned that hitting the snooze for a meager fifteen minutes actually does put me running late. Planned to hit Giant this morning. But, I was ran out of time. By 3 I have to mengaji. Oh Illy, don't you ever do this in Melaka. HO YEAH!! Cannot skip any classes!! Full attendance is my cream. *crack crack

I am so ready to go back. Yeah, Melaka. Just wait for me!! *counting sheep* Ho yeah, I'm full of semangat and enthusiasm when it comes to new semester. Ho yeah!! Don't ask why. I don't have the damn answer. I'm just, excited. HAHAHA! To get back with my bitches, see my friends that aren't down here in Shah Alam. Too much of holidays isn't that cool. But between that, I actually have a chance to enjoy my favorite time of year, Unlimited-Hibernating-Time! Oh yeah, Imma sleepyhead. Hard one. This semester break, I ate loads-- until my tummy can't cope. I've gained two bloody kilograms!!! I ate my pills to keep the weight reduced and I've tried my best to control my food taken, but but but but Mama's is the best!! And it's all-you-can-eat-for-FREE!! What's not to love?? It's just irresistible!! (Oh somebodee please kill me!)

My schedule is totally packed. Oh yeah, FULLY BOOKED for the whole week. Got so much to do between now and Friday. Well, I love being a busy bee. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!! :D I'm so excited to cuci rumah!! OH yess!! I enjoy bubblebath!! I love water game!! Boleh main slide slide. HAHAHA!! Seriously, sangat excited!! Because I know, as soon as I walk in the door, I have more things to do than now. So yeah, things are going to start getting pretty hectic later. But that's okay. I embrace it. Until I go crazy and pull out my hair. Or bomb a final. Oh yeah, FINAL is my weakness. I hate reading, and guess what, Crazee Fit will heret me to read the damn bricks!! Oh, itu scary. (I love you Fit! HAHA)

Just received my package today. You see, I subscribed this mini magazine for a year. Gila rajin kan? I love ghost stories. I always have. I still remember when I went for this one horror movie with Edd, I just kept my eyes shut for the whole 2 hours. HAHAHAH! Oh yes, I was freaking out but I love to watch those shit! But at least, Adie jerit lagi kuat dari I? HAHAHAH! I must have read every book they had in the children’s section, I mean-- I used to. But yet, I’m still a sucker for a good ghost story telling. In reality, Imma person who should be annoyed of, not scary of.  So yeah, suck that.

Ah yes, yet another cruel twist in what is becoming quite an interesting life. Always keep your eyes open for the strange and the criminally insane, it's great fodder for the pen and paper. This is my pre-diary. I crap a lot here. But the real things, are all out there for you to find out. Well, this semester I learnt about how blogs do in Journalism. It's under 'New Journalism'. *sigh* Even you yourself can't spill out the whole thing on your own  diary. What a world. Yes, the world-- its getting cruel. It's filled with uncountable laws nowadays. Scary kan?

2010 started with a worry and a little hard times. Later, stress and I got in the way. Then, finding and leaving, making mistakes and false hopes in between. Followed by tough decisions. Eventhough things are not quite settled, I am glad I decided to go back to the old grip, as I had enough time to think back and make decisions for myself, so I think I'm just lucky that 2010 is going to end with such good times. Oh yeah, I'm trying to keep it simple and just flow with it. 4 days to go, and Hello New Year!

Somehow, I'm hoping 2011 will be better, fitter, healthier and more settled. I just need to get my fingers crossed again this time. 

Single on New Year's Eve? AWESOMEEE!! :p

Monday, 27 December 2010



Fotos de Puénting - deporte extremo, concretamente, una modalidad de salto encordado que se realiza desde puente con cuerda(s) dinámica(s) (de escalada) en forma de péndulo.

Fuente: Imágenes google
Fotos del deporte Puenting, fotos de Puenting deporte extremo, imagenes de Puenting, mejores fotos de Puenting, galeria de fotos de Puenting, coleccion de fotos de Puenting, photo Puenting, pictures Puenting, photo gallery Puenting, fotografias de Puenting, graficos de Puenting

It's My Day!

At first, I was struggling for this one handbag. Oh yes. I went all out, off to here and there, searching for the bag. It's all started like this. Once upon a time, I went to this one shop in Mid valley and "Take a look at that! What a beauty!". But Cdek asked me to think all over again because obviously, I spent a lot already and that bag was just not worth it. So, I let it go. A week later, I went to the shop again in Pavy and Fahrenheit Mall. I searched for the damn bag, that I called as Brown. But it was SOLD OUT everywhere. So again, I went to the Mid again and yes, SOLD OUT also. Later, I went to Pyramid, but only got in black. BROWN was SOLD OUT too. At the same time, I was glanced over this one bag called White. But yeah, I want Brown!! But this White quite cantik but whatever, I want my Brown!! So I made an exit, with a long face.

A month later, I had this one dream- which is 2 days ago. I dreamed about White! OMG, it's a sign!! So I sneaked out to the outlet in OU, searching for the bag but White wasn't there. So I headed home, brokenhearted. I story mory about White to Hariz, and he asked me to show him the picture. So, I go to the web, and yeah- found it!! So, I sent the url to Amirah Babyboo and she printed the ads. On the next day, she went to Pyramid and Empire, searching for the White-- using the ads. I can't go haunting for it 'cuz I had this engagement thingy yesterday, plus I don't have much time to search for it later-- sebab saya susah keluar. Abah saya strict orangnya. Hehehe. So, Amirah went out with her friend, searching for my White. Do you have this kind of friend? I'm proud of having one. Yes, be envy of me bitcheeeezz! :-D So, yeah turned out there's one in Pyramid but it's in black colour. So today, I went to Empire to survey, takda. So, I drove to Pyramid with Ieka, yeah-- I found White in black colour. Hmm.. After 30minutes godek-godek, I've changed my mind. Taknak beli. I don't think its worth it to spend the money on one bag. Ho yeah! Mahal! (jaga hati)

So I went to the Asian Avenue and songlap 4 bags! Ustaz Hariz Mohd yang suruh show off. So, put the blame on him! :p Well, the Mickey one is for my baju baju kalau nak lari dari rumah, senang. HAHAHAH!! And I got myself two same bags. The black one and the pink one if you can see. But but I bought the pink one for Achik. 


Oh well, that's all for today. Currently listening to Jo Sung Mo. 

Han Ki Ju, will you be mine?

Sunday, 26 December 2010


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahhiwabarokatuh.

Seperti yang anda dapat lihat, 3 anak dara pinggitan ini lebih over dari pengantin ye. HAHAHA! Anyway, CONGRATS KAK YANA!! After we've done with the engagement, we had this discussion. Who's next?

Mengikut salasilah.. (lihat carta dibawah)

Mak Long's and Cik Din's part almost settled. Next will be Cik Dah's. Geez! I feel freaking old now. Last time, back then, we were playing games together, hide and seek, fighting over toys, jalan sama-sama pergi kedai kat kampung, auwww those times. But now, things changed! One by one tied the knot, then having a children, and another one, and another one, and some moreee. OMG. Dah la anak sepupu makin meningkat. Banyak lebur nanti, dek nak bagi duit raya kat budak budak tu. T-T I'm getting old now!! Ho yeah, almost reach my "Twent-teen"! (Hariz Mohd, 2010) Forever teen, katanya. HAHAHAHA! It's fun to celebrate birthdays, but it's not fun if we realize that each birthday means that we are shorten another one year and guess what? We are one year near to death. Ho yeah! Suicide may sounds like a fun option to take when we had pressures, but actually, I think being dead isn't that fun for now-- sebab I tak taubat lagi!! >.< Buat tambah masalah ada lah! (*tu dia dah bertazkirah dah.)

Oh oh the 3 dara pinggitan, had made some videos about "ORANG CHANTEK!". Thought of sharing with you people but but but but but MALULAH! Plus, I don't even know how to upload videos up here and even if i knew how, I don't think I have enough patience to wait for the videos to be uploaded. HAHAHA!! I had fun today.  This break I didn't get a chance to hang out with Ieka, and I did today!! YEAY!! She's going to be having this  what event lah, in MSU Shah Alam, somewhere in February. LAI LAI! Only RM15 per head. LAI LAI LAI!! Will update about it later, in NEXT YEAR. :D

After we've done in Kajang, we headed to Putrajaya for another wedding. Biasalah, musim cuti sekolah lah musim orang mengawan. Haha! And guess what?! We had our makan makan on the same table with Zainal Abidin-- pemain bola vateran, kot. Haha! I didn't know him at first, but my brother seemed like-- TERUJA? Sorry. HAHAHA! Football is just not my thing. Like I said, football steals people's boyfriendsss!! Tak tipu punya. Experienced sudah.  HAHA!

I bet after this post, there will be questionsss on my Formspring about tudung, as usual kan? So yeah, I'm so sorry asyik on off on off but at least I'm trying to fit in with tudungs? Just be glad that I've started to have a heart to wear it, eventhough Abah forced me to wear on the first place. Ho Ho Ho. Insyaallah, bertunang nanti, pakai full lah, kot. Hehehehe. We'll see about that okay. Mak no comment now. Darah masih panas. Mood sentiasa berubah. Anak muda kan. Haha! Lately post banyak in Malay. Yes, I realized that. Saya sayang Malaysia. Bahasa Melayu ialah ibu lidah saya :p TAHNIAH MALAYSIA UNTUK 3 JARINGAN GOL sekaligus menamatkan peluang Indonesia untuk menjadi Juara. No matter what happened, I still love you Indonesia. Jakarta masih di hati (: Oh talking about Indonesia, I have this dream. Hoyeah, satu impian. After I get married, I want to move back to Jakarta. Like I said, it's a dream. But it's not impossible, right? Hehe. But on second thought, I don't want to get married. So, I might be going alone. KOT? HAHAHAH!! Dasar anak kecil. :p

Whatever it is, she's going to marry this man in June. To the future guests that will attend the wedding, if you see the bride's family members in purple songket, that means, they are all available. Boleh datang, naik pelamin sekali. Save bajet. HAHAHAHA!! *gurauan semata-mata. But betul lah, purple means NOT MARRIED. I don't know about the married ones. We just received the "uniforms" this evening. Gedik betul ada uniform bagai. CHOI!! Baru nak show off kebaya merah yang baru. HAHAHAH!! Anyway, today makes me happy. Every single thing that happened, it cheered me up. At least, I've been out from the misery for a day. Hehehe. 

Time cures everything.

I hope its true.

Take care people. Have a nice day. (:

Saturday, 25 December 2010

December 25


Sesungguhnya, saya sudah menghabiskan 5 jam saya hari ini di dalam surau. WAHAHAHAH! Cool gila kan? Mak bapak saya bawa saya pergi surau time Krismas. Mak bapak awak ada buat? (No offense) :p

But today punya talk was quite interesting. The talk was devided into three parts - Makna Dakwah, Sejarah Kristian dan Sesi Q&A.

Tak sangka status ni mendapat sambutan. Tampaknya, masih ramai yang sedar. Alhamdulillah syukur. Ustazah Illy sangat bangga dengan kalian! :D


"Al-Quran diturunkan dalam bulan Ramadhan untuk memberi cahaya kepada manusia supaya keluar dari kegelapan. Persoalannya, siapa dalam cahaya?"

Achik: "Raka"
Illy: "Satria lah!


"Tuhan Maha Esa, bukan anak Tuhan itu Isa. Kita ni hanya ada satu Maulidur iaitu Maulidur Rasul. There's no such thing like Maulidur Isa,"

"Kenapa kita selalu kata Kristian jahat? Sebab mereka mempengaruhi kita? Sebab mereka mengajak kita menganut Kristian? Secara logik nya, adakah ianya salah? TIDAK. Mereka berbuat itu kerana mereka taat kepada agama. Mereka bersungguh-sungguh berdakwah kerana mereka percaya Nabi Isa mengorbankan diri dengan menyalibkan diri kerana ingin menyelamatkan penganut-penganutnya dari api neraka. Oleh itu mereka berasa terhutang budi. Sebab itu mereka sangat bersungguh-sungguh untuk berdakwah. Adakah itu salah? TIDAK ya tuan tuan dan puan puan. Sebaliknya, mereka itu lah penganut yang beriman (dalam Kristian). Kita sebagai umat Islam, pernahkah terfikir betapa banyaknya pengorbanan Rasulullah SAW. Pernahkah kita terfikir untuk berdakwah? Mereka berdakwah, kita bising. Bila suruh berdakwah, kenapa kita diam?!,"


"Kalau anak perempuan, atau isteri, atau saudara perempuan anda dilabel BOHSIA. Apakah yang anda lakukan?"

-- Pukul!
--- Belasah!

"Kenapa bila orang mencaci Allah, membakar Al-Quran, menuduh Rasulullah SAW sebagai seorang terrorist, kita berdiam diri? Adakah cinta kita terhadap manusia lebih tinggi dari Allah SWT dan Baginda?"


"Bila saya masuk gereja, saya nampak Islam. Tapi saya tak nampak orang Islam? Bagaimana tu? Mereka mudah mendekati kanak-kanak, sangat mesra, baik, peramah, tapi kalau kita? Mereka menyediakan pelbagai event di kawasan gereja. Mereka menyanyi, melukis, mewarna, mengaji, tapi kita? Bukankah pada asalnya Masjid itu adalah pusat pelbagai aktiviti ilmu? Cuba lihat kita sekarang, kalau kita nampak orang main bola dalam kawasan surau, menyanyi, bermain, lepak-lepak, berlari-lari, apa kita buat? Kita marah, kita halau, kata ini tempat suci, jangan buat bising, lepas tu budak-budak tu lari ke shopping complex, kita kata dia melepak. Salah siapa?"


"Ingin berdakwah, kita harus mula dengan Akidah dahulu baru Feqah. Ni tidak, remaja yang seksi, yang bersosial, yang terkinja sana-sini, kita beri dia ayat-ayat Al-Quran, kita bersyarah pasal hukum hakam, awak ingat dia nak dengar ke? Bila bercakap, kita kena buat dia faham. Kalau akidah masih tidak betul, jangan harap dia nak terima Feqah."

"Sepanjang saya hidup, maaf jika ayat saya kasar, tapi hanya satu saja Khutbah yang saya rasa bagus berbanding Khutbah Khutbah Sembahyang Jumaat yang saya pernah dengar. Yang lain, macam tak guna! Kenapa? Mereka cakap dengan nada yang tak sesuai, nak cerita pasal tah apa-apa, keluar surah-surah Al-Quran, awak ingat pendengar itu nak dengar? Nak faham? Mereka tak faham langsung pun! Ini membuatkan mereka rasa Islam ini beban. Bagaimana awak nak berdakwah kalau pendengar awak tak faham apa awak cakapkan?"

"Oleh itu, jika berucap, lihat siapa penonton kamu. Jangan nak tunjuk power hafal ayat tu, ayat ni depan orang yang tak faham langsung apa awak cakap. Tak guna semua tu. Sia-sia!,"


Setakat itu yang saya ingat yang saya rasa nak share? Tapi part Sejarah itu paling meletop nok! Seronok. Tapi yelah, setakat ini Ustazah Illy bersuara. Banyak sangat sejarah rasa macam nak retake SPM. Kot kot boleh A Sejarah? HAHAHA. Sehingga ketemu lagi. Daa~ :D

Friday, 24 December 2010

Summer in December

Hello Hello!

Today, I went to Lagoon with Achik and Amirah Babyboo. Ho yeah. We got free tickets for ALL PARK, okay. Together with RM80 baucher. Jangan jealous, nok. HAHA! And thank you, Babyboo-- for the tickets ((: Walaupun mengidam, but we didn't go for Scream Park. Shamil kata seram?-- sebab bau mulut hantu tu busuk. -__-! 

We went for Extremepark, Amusement Park and Waterpark. Tak jejak Wildlife Park. The wheather was good. Terbakar kejap. And the costume girls, sucks. Kekwat habis nok! But yeah whatever. At least, I had my time today. I'm tired of being miserable. I feel like I'm loosing something-- even though it never was mine. It hurts like fcuk! But yeah, life goes on. And Edd, this is for you.  I have came out with a decision. Yes, I'm trying to change my scope now. Please be proud of me. I'm getting matured here :p HAHA! Oh wow. I'm soooo looking foward for January the first!! I had enough of holidays. But I need to do my final shopping spree by next week! 'Cuz this weekend-- FULLY BOOKED! Next Monday 'til Wednesday, BOOKED. Friday-- get all things packed. Saturday, byebye Shah Alam.

And oh, I had my pencil case renewed!!

So, byebye OLD case. It's time for you to get into the BOX (:

And please anyone or some-bo-dee. If you meet Santa, force him to get me a KINECT!! Ho ho ho. Oh well, gotta get into the bed early tonight. Tomorrow morning I'll be heading to surau. Ho yeah, you've heard me. Ada tazkirah about "Perbezaan Islam dan Kristian" on Natal's morning. Pretty interesting, right? Haha! I bet you all dah menguap by now.  Boo!  Okay people. Have a good night and sleep well. (:


Kalau tak, nanti Chico tampar korang.  :p