Sunday, 31 May 2009

English for Speakers of Other Languages.

11:14am : i don't know whether i am fully prepeared myself or not. shait!! fuck fuck fuck!! the speaking test is at2:30pm. Wish me luck, you guys. I'm off to Taman Tun now. Will be updating you later! xx

4:05pm : Just finished my oral test. And it was hell. I was blank and yeah, thanks Theera for the help. I may fucked up the test but it was fun! Hahahah! But it would be more fun if I got F for my partner. Shaitt!! Benci ko. Hahahah!


Saturday, 30 May 2009

Sorry Bibik!!

30may : today ade Parents Teachers Meeting a.k.a. Open Day kat tadika. hahahaha 6.45am im off to tadika lah. Later around 10am Abah called asking why no ones pick up any of his calls and i said lah i kat tadika, shamil pi bola. bibik je ade kat umah. okay so whteva la kan. Later at 1 pm Mama pulak call, "nape dari pagi td smpai skrg mama call umah bibik ta agkat phone? hp pon ta angkat. awak cube balek pi tgk ape jd kat bibik tu.lari ke?" o-oh. so i ask my boss' permission to take my day off early.

as i click my gate's button, i see bibik standing infront of the house door. ooookaaaaay, can you guess what really happened this morning...??

OMG OMG OMG bibik TKONCI kat luar!! pulak, pagi td i just kuar, kunci pintu, start enjin kete, then vrooom blah n tutop pagar. ta sedar bibik nga siram bunga kat tepi. hahahahahaha!! 7jam dia tpacak kat lua. daymmmmmm (x

p/s: pengalaman manis kan bibik? hehehehehhh sorry,bik. ampon maap dipinta!

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Getting Classic.

"i'm still living in the past," kata illyana kepada sidek.

today after habis kerja, i went to 9, sebar flyers. thought of picking up shamil but he went back already. so i picked cdek at the mall and lepak infront of the school. we had this heart to heart and, it helps. thanks cdek. cdek nanges buat i rase macho jeh hahahahah! awww aku ta lupe kau lah keling! babi doe ko ckap aku cmtuh. damnn, but i forgot to bring his birthday present!! hopefuly tak expired lagi :P later, i went to PAS, i bought this MU ticket. wahahhaahhh! soooo NOT me. hahah!

oh, I just know that Edd baru buat blog- May'09 Hahaha

ape citer yea kau illy?
-oh hidup saye biase je. tade yg extraordinary. haihh.. hari saya belum tiba lagi ;p

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Día de la Patria y la Revolución de mayo.

25 de mayo de 1810
Este día los cabildantes reconocieron, luego de diferentes sucesos e ideas, la autoridad de la Junta Revolucionaria y así se formó el Primer Gobierno Patrio.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


I've signed up for ESOL Examination and its just getting nearer. I havent prepared anything yet! I am soooo not ready!! If i could just turn back time, tanak sign up! =( Ann already did her IELTS (International English Language Testing System). She said it was so-so. not too easy and hard either. Me and F are just going to sit for ESOL.

Oh btw, thanks for the penguin keychain, Ann! Its from Aussie :) She went there for holidays, I think. Oh, F is going to USIM this Saturday and same goes to Dzikri. He's going to UIA. Auwwww korang sgt Islamic. Nanti balik cuti dakwah dekat I tau! :P haha GOodluck uguys! Dah besar dah korg. Masuk college dah =')

p/s: dgr kate cik husnana kite rindoo sama adinda? kekekeke. soon baby soon. skrg body sgt busy :D

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Leo y aprendo.

Los alumnos de 2°grado realizaron una clase de lectura taller en la biblioteca. Muy entusiasmados buscaron palabras nuevas y las copiaron en sus cuadernos.

Como vemos el 25 de mayo.

Los alumnos de 2° grado "D", turno tarde, estuvieron investigando y este fue el resultado.

Sorry for Letting You Go.

Dear Mohd Aidi Firdaus Azanan,

I'm sorry. Its all my fault. Im sorry. Im not ready to be in a relationship yet. Its too soon for me. Sorry for i've just realized. Im not over the fact that my last relationship was crumbled and im not finish picking up the pieces and heal myself yet. You're an interesting guy, fun to be with, but i cant cope with anything for now. I'm so sorry, i have to end it. I really really do.


Monday, 18 May 2009

Why Are You Always There When I Keep Hurting You?

once again, my life become miserable
yet confusing PLUS fucked up.
nobody's fault, but mine.
and dammit, ive fucked up by my own doings.
im sorry, but i can't take this anymore.
sorry. i really really do.
i cant lie.


Sunday, 3 May 2009