Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Lingling Sudah Mendarat!

11:38 P.M : my lingling finally texted me!!
yay yay!! yay yay!!
you dah sampai. yay yay!!
i hate you!!
another 22minutes msuk 23rd dah tau!!
naseb you baek smpai on 22nd jgak, as u promised :))
so..i love you lah! ngeeeee :))
Hope you enjoyed your Bangkok trip, Sayang :)

Little Update!

seems like someone's watching this with a bit of enthusiasm. i loike ;) oh, i miss your humours and jokes, botak. urghhh! hahahaha well, nothing much happened lately. i'm still me, just with a different zipcode, for the moment. will be back in lendu in couple of days and hello, public speaking.

urghhh!! only God knows how bad i am in tht. with tons of people? i cant even speak in one on one. how can i even stand up in a bunch of smarties and do the "hey people, listen to me!" thing. urghhh!!

days been quiet. full of silence. jan is not around, five days to bangkok. should be back by tonight. stay away frm the songket girls, big boy. or else i sekeh sekeh dahi u. (take note)


oh, im broke. my allowance has been cut off, and abah.. stop using my car without fueling it back! urrrgghhhh!! hate it hate it HAAATEEE IT!!! urghhh!!! can't wait til i get my ass in lendu. i want my allowance backkk!!! just let me live my life before the hols end! sheeeessshh!!

oh oh, and i've watched 'the princess and the frog' last week and it was awesome!! i went with my wifey and dear, i'm sorry i can't make it to the funfair. im so sorry.. hope ure not mad. sorry.

there are songs that make us want to dance. there are songs that make us want to sing along. but the best songs are the ones that bring you back to the moment you first heard them and once again, break your heart.. dear 2009, you've brought out the best of me.

last but not least,

"save some trees, have a blog"

sounds cool to me. whadya think? ;)

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Dear Amirah Annuar.

dear amirah,

im sorry for my behavior today. im sorry for not smiling. im sorry for not creating a smile on you. im sorry for i didnt laugh on anything today. im sorry for the mood i've been today. im sorry for the rush. im sorry for the words i spilled. im sorry for any scars in you. im sorry if im hurting you. and im sorry for falling in love with you, my dear fairy godmother (:

without you, im nothing. cewahhhh!! hahaha ;D

Saturday, 21 November 2009

I love my Janny!

morning people!

time to wake up from bad dreams, roll out of the beds we've made and start making plans for a brighter future.

some say love is a river, some say love is a silly song. some say love is all around us and lifts us up where we belong. some say love is hearing laughter in the rain. but we all know, love is pain.

i just want to tell you that i'm not gonna stop trying to get your attention. i'm gonna do whatever it takes for however long.

'cuz i'm you biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me.. papa,paparazzi. ahaha asal bolehh. hahaha

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


well well well, congratulations nur affrina yasmin mohd amin! for getting straight A's in the exam. Sape lahhh kakak ko kann.. hahahaha!

and oh not to forget, happy 10th birthday, mohammad aliff haiqal mohd amin! (19/11/1999)

p/s : yay, dapat handbag baruu!!

Monday, 16 November 2009

Life Isn't Permanent.

the clock keeps ticking and i'm still thinking. wondering if you are the one who's winning.

no no no illy. shouldn't trust anyone but keep praising for what you get and be
grateful for having those beautiful and ugly people 'cuz life is just a game.

and oh, happy sem break! :)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

What They Say..

"You are young ... or at least you feel like you are. You are drawn to musicians and artists. You are proud of who you are. Your quirks are an asset, and you flaunt them! You are attracted to shiny things, and you aren't afraid of a little bling. You're stubborn enough to stick to what your like, even if falls out of fashion."

"You're not in your face, smokin' hot... and it's all by design. You have a carefully crafted cool persona, leaving everyone wanting to know just a little more. You're just playing it cool."

well well well... =p

Monday, 9 November 2009

Recordando al patrono de la escuela.

En la Escuela N°14 DE 5°"Provincia de San Luis" se recordó el día del Patrono. La institución cumplió 106 años. ¡Felicidades escuela!.Algunas fotos de como lo recordamos.

Los escritores de primer grado.

En el turno tarde los alumnos de 1°"C" y "D" estan escribiendo cuentos.Eligieron los personajes, el lugar donde viven y luego inventarán sus aventuras. Aquí les mostramos los primeros pasos.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Whatever, BITCH.

mulut tempayan gampang ditutup, tetapi al-kisah 1001 yang kau karyakan tidak akan pernah bisa aku tutupi.

hidupku bahagia. aku punya keluarga, kekasih hati mahupun teman. temanku ramai. kawanku juga tidak terhitung tetapi sahabat, bisa dibilang. siapakah? dia atau dia? biarlah, tidak penting buat pengetahuanmu. kenapa? jangan dipersoalkan. mengapa? cermin dirimu kembali dan tanyakan kepada bayangmu sendiri, siapakah kau kepadaku? perlukah aku menjawab segala persoalanmu? jawapannya, tidak. mengapa tidak? jawapannya ada padamu. segala cacianmu dan maki hamunmu hanya membuat-ku tertawa. mengapa? ya, aku persoalkan kembali padamu. mengapa kau masih di situ memerhatikan aku!

dan kamu, mengapa masih lagi tidak memahamiku. tidak cukup terang lagikah peribadiku? apa lagi kamu inginkan. jasadku masih teguh berdiri di sini tetapi hatiku mati. aku mungkin kelihatan tabah, tetapi hatiku halus. terlalu halus untuk kamu bayangkan. aku tidak pernah bisa tahan. aku tidak setabah kamu. aku bukan dia mahupun dia. aku adalah aku. aku yang percaya kamu dengan hati yang tulus. tetapi kamu menghancurkan harapanku dengan setitik demi setitik kekecewaan yang kamu berikan. aku lemas tatkala kamu pergi meninggalkanku tatkala aku memerlukanmu disisi. maaf jika aku tidak pernah menunjukkan isi hatiku. maaf jika kata-kataku mengguris hatimu. maaf jika tingkah laku-ku menyinggung hatimu. kerana aku terlalu marah, terlalu marah kerana aku terlalu menyayangimu.

dan kau! jangan lagi kau lihat aku sebagai boneka untuk tatapan harianmu. jika kau ingin membuka wasilah jahanam tentangku, silakan. aku tidak perlu kenal siapapun dirimu. kerana, namamu juga tidak layak untukku sebut. apatah lagi mukamu untukku lihat. mengapa? persoalan yang sering terlintas, bukan? aku punya sebab atas segala tindakanku. mengapa kau memandangku dengan lirikan yang begitu hina? ya, sejujurnya aku terlalu hina tetapi kau tidak layak menghakimi aku kerana aku adalah bayangmu!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

My Very First Semester Talks.

It's been awhile..

well, im dealing with my finals at the moment and its going to end on 15th of dec. just doing a lil update here, oh im bored.

reality check : it has been busy and quite tough days since the very first step into the college's life. it was quite hard for me to fit in. it may be only five months, but for my very first sem in campus - i can say that alot of things has happened. things changed just in a blink of an eye. well, i've learned quite a lot and it might be much much more to be learned in the future. i am stronger day by day. thank goodness, i am recovering and im living my life as simple as the way it is.. "biar lambat asalkan selamat" kann :D

college's life has been great. many up and down been jotted down,and chapters that have been made. i've started every single thing from the very bottom that u can ever think and here i am. i am blessed and i just love my life as it is now. things are going well and it has been quite a number of new friends that i have made here. well, they've been great and thanks for popping up in my new chapter. my days were chock-a-block with assignments and presentations. *sigh* i miss homeworks. assignments kill =p 5 months- has changed me from many angles and perspectives. illy kan dah big girl :D

lies kill. the thing is, it is easy for me to trust someone that i know. i may see things through pink-tinted spectacles. cuz they're all beautiful to me. but stil, i am wondering. how could you betray someone who care for you, accept you for who you are, willing to change you, and sacrifices a lot for you. i've faced it more than once. but stil, i can't hate you and you. stop manipulating things. there's alot of things to do rather than manipulate people who you shouldn't betray. i still can't understand why and why and why. answer me, im all ears.

my new chapter of my lovelife has been great. we did been through quite hard times together and yay! we've made it through. there were ups and downs, but love conquers it all. cewahhh. lumped us together, and we'll get in tune. fiwit! hahaha! well, i just wanna keep it simple and steady. theres nothing to be rushed. ta lari gunung dikejar kan :D well syg, uve been a great dude to me. yeaaa i may not that manis to you. and i may look stupid when im berjiwang with you. but hey, i love you, i really really do. n its sincere. ure the soul of discretion to me, since the moment i called you my twinnie. i trust you, i always do. lalalala.. when i see you smile, i can face the world.. lalala~ naik mabuk i dgr lagu tu. haha. well, what can i say eyy.. psst, let me tell u a secret- illy tu cerewet ahh. smoga berjaya. umm, wishing you all the best aite. and also, not to forget. JGN MATI CEPAT!! or else, i patah2 kan rangka rangka you. grrrr!! hahaha! just for u to know, im counting my blessing for getting on with you, mohd nor jannah. we're an item, deal with it.

my two-o-o-nine begun with shits and sorrow. but, things changed now. after all, life is beautiful and colourful as it should be. play safe :)

Sunday, 20 September 2009

1 Syawal.

sekalian umat Islam sibuk menyambut kedatangan satu Syawal yang diraikan dengan meriahnya, tidak ketinggalan hari ini juga diraikan dengan kehadiran Mohd Nor Jannah bin Mohd Khalis dalam satu episod hidup yang baru.

*the truth is, ive cried when he proposed me.
wahahahahah!! malu saya! xD

I love you, gedik. I really really do. ((:

and oh btw, SALAM AIDILFITRI buat semua!!
ampun maaf zahir dan batin!!

p/s: maaf ta reply sms. phone rosak ;p

juga tidak dilupakan, cousinku fazrin, excident motor pada jam 2:30am tadi lalu koma. Kemungkinan turun Johor pada hari Selasa.

and sayang, sorry dating kene postponed ;p

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Fuimos al cine.

Los alumnos de 5°, 6° y 7° grado fueron acompañados por sus maestros al Festival Internacional de cine "Nueva mirada" para la infancia y la juventud. Vieron el film "Básicamente un Pozo", una pelicula para entretenerse y pensar. Fue un lindo paseo.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Jardín de visita en la Biblioteca

Los alumnitos de preescolar visitaron la biblioteca para observar material sobre el árbol del algarrobo, como actividad para el día del patrono de la escuela.

Feria del libro.

Los chicos de 2° "D" realizaron una mini feria del libro con sus libros de animales realizados por ellos, con éstos culminaron el proyecto de animales.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

La Biblioteca del Barrio.

Los alumnos de la escuela visitaron la Biblioteca Enrique Banch de Parque Patricios. Fue una hermosa experiencia.

Visita al Museo minero

Los alumnos de 6° grado visitaron el Museo Minero.

Un paseo por el Barrio de la Boca.

Los alumnos de 4° grado dieron un paseo por el Barrio de la Boca. Conocieron el lugar y su historia.

Monday, 17 August 2009

José de San Martín

Hubo hace mucho tiempo
un hombre noble y valiente sin fin
ese hombre era el héroe
Don José de San Martín.

Ver más.
Pinacoteca sanmartiniana

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Festejo del "Día del niño"

Para festejar el día del niño los profe dela escuela organizaron juegos y un hermoso momento para compartir la merienda.

Máscaras en el proyecto leyenda de 3° C

Los alumnos de 3° grado C realizaron máscaras alusivas a la leyenda. aquí se las mostramos.

Recordando el paseo al zoológico.

Los alumnos de 2° grado recuerdan el paseo al zoológico haciendo un afiche.

Investigamos en biblioteca.

Los alumnos de 5° grado trabajando e investigando sobre las regiones geográficas en biblioteca.Encontraron buen material.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Hello, College Life!

oh hey peeps!
its been awhile.
oh well, currently im studying masscomm
in uitm lendu malacca,
n quite busy at the moment.
so yeah, will be back soon.
illy kan dah big girl =P

p/s : sick and tired of this world.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Rest In Peace, Michael Jackson.

1. Michael Jackson suffered cardiac arrest in his Los Angeles home on June 25, 2009

2. 911 was notified at 12:21 p.m.

3. A ccording to reports, Jackson was not breathing and had no pulse when paramedics arrived at his home

4. Paramedics performed CPR on the way to the hospital

5. Paramedics were unable to revive Jackson

6. Jackson was 50 years old

7. Jackson is survived by his three children; Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Katherine and Prince Michael Jackson II aka "Blanket"

8. Pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PST

9. July 15, 2009: LAPD Treating Jackson's Death as Homicide

Just a short entry from me to say my condolences for the death of one talented artist, Michael Jackson or his Islam name, Mikael Jibril. Please correct me if I got this information wrongly. So, yeah. Nothing much I can say here. There goes our world's king of pop. May you rest in peace. ** AL-Fatihah.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

En un lindo día de sol y un poco fresquito paseamos por el zoológico los alumnos de 1° y 2° grado de la escuela. Conocimos muchos animales en su habitad.La experiencia nos gusto mucho.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

ESQ Mahasiswa Angkatan 008.

okay, 1st impression, sume yg dtg muke2 kne paksa. hahahaha! so i went there with Iman, n Hazriq. yeaaa tarik la muke korg pnjg2 hahaha! okay most of the girls muke baek2 la. but the guys? mcm problemo! hahaha. pada awalnya lah kan, yeaa egois la juga mcm asal aku kne datang bodooooohhh. suprisingly, it was great! hahahaha!! goshhhhhh daku jato cinta dah. ahahahaha!!! damn it!! thnk u abah fr sending me here. oh la la~ ahahahaha!! afta 2 days mencuci hati (dan mata. haha!) the training is finally over. i also bought afew candid pictures of me and iman before we went home. oh and i found this one guy. with a blue sweater on. diaaa..diaaaa.. oh dah gila dah. illy, ngucap illy ngucap! hahahaha!!!

illy: cant find him anywhere!
jan: kan dah melepas.cmne?
illy: redha redha. hahaha!!
abah: apa yg kamu dpt kat esq?
illy: *senyum*

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Día de la Bandera

Propuesta y Juramento de la Bandera

13 de febrero de 1812

Manuel Belgrano propuso al Gobierno la creación de una "escarapela nacional", en vista de que los cuerpos del Ejército usaban distintivos diversos.

18 de febrero de 1812

El Triunvirato aprobó el uso de la escarapela blanca y celeste, decretando: "Sea la escarapela nacional de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, de color blanco y azul celeste..."

27 de febrero de 1812

Entusiasmado con la aprobación de la escarapela, M. Belgrano diseñó una bandera con los mismos colores, enarbolándola por primera vez en Rosario, a orillas del río Paraná. Allí, en las baterías "Libertad" e "Independencia" la hizo jurar a sus soldados. Luego, mandó una carta al Gobierno comunicando el hecho. Este mismo día, el Triunvirato le ordenó hacerse cargo del Ejército del Norte, desmoralizado después de la derrota de Huaqui.
El 20 de junio de 1820 muere el Creador de la Bandera Nacional. El día anterior había entregado a su médico su reloj de oro, que era todo el bien que le quedaba, de su entrega a la Patria y a su emancipación.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Proyecto leyendas.

En otra etapa del proyecto 3° grado junto a su seño Estela Maris hicieron títeres de los personajes de la leyenda y luego inventaron diálogos entre ellos.

Visita de la Banda Sinfónica de la CABA

La Escuela contó hoy con la visita de la Banda Sinfónica de la CABA. Fue una linda experiencia, conocer los diferentes instrumentos y escuchar sus sonidos a través de la música.


waaaa ku udah abes paper reading, use of english, writing and listening. tht means, exam da abes!! yay!! alrite alrite. haaaa agak rough day sket ar kan today. hahaha fr more information, u can visit Fazlie's. haahahahaha i malas na taip. ngantok nih. hahahaha!! pendek kata, exam da abes. itu plg pnting!! hahahaha!! oh bcrite psl busy ta busy kan,this weekend i hv to go to this one hotel called flamingo hotel la. so called "sonoook nye" la kan. why? oh ado ini ceramah ESQ yg dedi signed me up. ampeh. 8am-7pm kot saturday n sunday. pergh msuk air siot. so planning nye, tdo sane la. ampeh smpai ati dedi na tinggal i sorg2. uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!! siot la ko mira, ko tana join. sian aku kne msuk air sorg2. aaaaaaaaa vavivu tol. wuwuwuwuwuwuwuuu-

p/s: illy the ustazah-terpaksa.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Día Nacional del libro.

El 15 de junio de 1908, en el marco de la “Fiesta del Libro”, se entregaron los premios de un concurso literario organizado por el Consejo Nacional de Mujeres. En 1924, el Decreto Nº 1038 del Gobierno Nacional declaró como oficial esta “Fiesta del Libro” y, diecisiete años después (el 11 de junio de 1941), una resolución ministerial propuso llamar a la conmemoración "Día del Libro", manteniendo como fecha el 15 de junio.

"De los diversos instrumentos del hombre, el más asombroso es, sin duda, el libro. Los demás son extensiones de su cuerpo. El microscopio, el telescopio, son extensiones de su vista; el teléfono es extensión de la voz; luego tenemos el arado y la espada, extensiones de su brazo. Pero el libro es otra cosa: el libro es una extensión de la memoria y de la imaginación”.

Jorge Luis Borges

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Welcome to the Family!

Welcome to the family, ATIQA AISYA BINTI SHAHRIZAL YUSMAN!! harharhar bayi comel yg baru dicukur jambulnya pagi tadi, dgn berat 4kilo (sehat betol)-yg sgt lebat rambutnya. susa na gunting oii. hahahaha!! welcome to tha family cik su yana ucapkan. eceh! aha :D

p/s: mummy!! nak baby jugak!!!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Dzikri oh Moy.

7-Hari-Couple-Kontrak ku udah tamat. Hahahah Baby, don't be sad. Hahaha! Neways, thanks for the helping hand. I owe you :) Baskin Robin comin right up!! ;D

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


okaaay today bgn pagi, ku lihat amirah. WOI!! dia tdo bsame ku, sumpah die conquer katil. ciput je tmpat aku. vavi tol hahahaha!! takpe ekauu. hahaha so we've just arrived from langkawi pkul 2pagi td. waaaaa~ flight delay 3jam. ngok tol. haihhh. so we pun mandi2 ,makan2 , n tgu la aunty halina dtg amek anak dia yg tbiar sorg tu. hahahaha!!


amirah just went back and i am super duper bosan right now. well, i just myspaceing around and whooooah!! lagu page diaa..! the song tht i used to gv A. WOAHHH!!! jgn kata A bg S the song? WOAAAAHHH!!!! so dammit la kan. thnks for ruining my day.

kanan: ape la yg ko busybody sgt illy oi..
kiri: tana busybody, tp sakit hati jugak.


arif just came over for sleepover. yeeeha! me and jan planning to go for a movie but he wants to watch 17again. i tanak! i want something horror! nothing best kat gsc.com.my and 17again je yg okay. alrite twinnie, u win. aargh so we g tgk 17again. aaargh jan gay!!! hahaha


oh i'm deadly bored and celcom pulak buat hal. shait! sending failed but kredit kene tolak! fuck ah!


oh iwan just bought a new DSLR lense. and sedang hebat memoyokan diri. grrrr, superextremely hate you lah !! hahaha ;D


Monday, 8 June 2009

La versión de 3°.

En el transcurso de este primera etapa del ciclo lectivo, los alumnos de 3°"D" han estado leyendo diferentes versiones del cuento "El Traje nuevo del emperador" de Hans Christian Andersen y otras versiones infantiles. En ellas encontraron algunas diferencias. Así decidieron con su señorita Anahí escribir su propia versión. Les mostramos como empezamos.

Proyecto Leyendas

Los alumnos de 3° "C" han iniciado un proyecto sobre leyendas tanto argentinas como americanas. Leemos,comprendemos el tema y trabajamos con ellas para conocer y más tarde poder narrarlas a otras personas.